Law Enforcement Battles Heroin Abuse

Law enforcement battles heroin abuse
As it enters the brain the heroin converts back to morphine and binds with opioid receptor cells in the brain stem that control blood pressure, arousal and respiration, which can lead to fatal overdoses when the person stops breathing. Regular use of …

Mother given time to respond in Gregg County Jail lawsuit
Cheyenne Smith sued Gregg County on June 5, one day short of the two-year statute of limitations, claiming Micah Robert Aaron Garner died because he was denied medication he was taking for opiate addiction. Smith seeks $ 2.5 million. She did not …
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Clonidine is definitely a wonder for opiate withdrawal. I asked to be detoxed in … It lowered my blood pressure a lot, so only 0.5mg dose was allowed at a time, maybe more would work better for someone else with higher pressure. Detox with a doctor's …
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