Doctor Is Forcing My Mother to Go Through Methadone Withdrawal!?

Question by Alexander: Doctor is forcing my mother to go through Methadone withdrawal!?
My mother’s been a chronic pain patient since I was about 5 (I’m 20 now). She has degenerative disc disorder and has been on pain medication virtually my whole life. Recently, she decided to switch to Methadone, as she was just tired of being in pain everyday. When she switched she seemed better almost instantly, I hadn’t seen her so happy and pain free since I was a kid. She’s been adjusting her dosage with her Doctor, who told her to take “No more than 4 a day”, and that’s the dosage they agreed on after a few weeks. Well, turns out he meant don’t TAKE me than 4 a day, but she was SUPPOSED to be taking 3 a day. My mother just realized this and called her Doctor to sort it out. He thinks she’s some sort of addict that’s lying to her, despite her 15 year record of being nothing of the sort. So he’s forcing her to wait 2 weeks before he’ll prescribe more, and says that it’s her own fault that she’ll have to go through withdrawal! Shes hasn’t been off her meds in years! Is this right?
We have no other options besides this Doctor. We’re a low income family and he’s a Doctor that works for the country. And I am 100% her record is immaculate.
“We’re a low income family and he’s a Doctor that works for the country.” I mean county

Best answer:

Answer by the_dragyness
Go to another doctor. Get a 2nd opinion.

If nothing else, there might be better communication with another doctor.

Answer by CNW
Nope. Tell him that your going to a dif doctor. And report him to the medical board.