Cut Cocaine Addiction With a Drug That Erases Your Memory – Motherboard

Methadone Withdrawal: Cut Cocaine Addiction With A Drug That Erases Your Memory – Motherboard


Cut Cocaine Addiction With A Drug That Erases Your Memory
Rather than go cold turkey, withdrawals from which are joyless and shitty enough to make you want to light or shoot up again, using methadone or nicotine patches and the like help you slowly drop your use to nothing. Ideally, that is.

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Methadone Withdrawal: Martin Scorsese’s first Hugo trailer is full of steam-powered wonders … – io9

Martin Scorsese's first Hugo trailer is full of steam-powered wonders
Charlie Jane Anders —Martin Scorsese seems like a most unlikely candidate to offer you something to alleviate your Harry Potter withdrawal. And yet, the first trailer for Scorsese's Hugo positively screams "Hogwarts Methadone.

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

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