Addiction Meds Effective but Buprenorphine a Better Bet?
Addiction Meds Effective but Buprenorphine a Better Bet?
Both buprenorphine maintenance treatment (BMT) and methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) are associated with improved outcomes for individuals with opioid use disorders, according to results of 2 separate literature reviews. MMT should be a covered …
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“Bangor's Burden” Part 2: Addiction Treatment Controversy
A 2011 federal report shows that Mainers are seeking treatment at a higher rate than any other state. Bangor is home to three treatment clinics, offering replacement therapy through medications like methadone and suboxone. Many credit their clean …
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Deaths from heroin in New London, Norwich doubled in 2013
Jack Malone, executive director of the Southeastern Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Inc., said the increase in those seeking treatment has a lot to do with the soaring rates of addiction to opioids – mostly prescription painkillers such as …