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A Plan to Expand the Availability of an Overdose Antidote – NY City Lens

A Plan To Expand the Availability of an Overdose Antidote – NY City Lens

NY City Lens

A Plan To Expand the Availability of an Overdose Antidote
NY City Lens
Naloxone has been proved to be crucial in successfully reversing opioid overdose from drugs like heroin, oxycodone, morphine, or methadone, and it has been used for more than ten years. The antidote plugs up receptors preventing the opioids from taking

Methadone Detox – Google News

Will ‘Son of God’ Be the Next Grassroots Christian Blockbuster? – Daily Beast

Will 'Son of God' Be the Next Grassroots Christian Blockbuster?
Daily Beast
And of course not all maintenance programs are created equal, and the opiate addiction drugs we already use regularly, such as methadone, have their problems, too, including being difficult to detox from. Many neighborhoods dislike having methadone 

Methadone Detox – Google News