Putin Orders Agency to Finalize Drug Addict Rehab Program – the Moscow Times

Putin Orders Agency to Finalize Drug Addict Rehab Program – The Moscow Times

Putin Orders Agency to Finalize Drug Addict Rehab Program
The Moscow Times
Russia has been criticized by international NGOs for its scant drug rehabilitation and prevention programs, and in particular for a blanket ban on the use of methadone, employed in many countries to curb heroin use. Ivanov said last March that almost

Methadone Rehabilitation – Google News

Legislator urges opposition to proposed Waterbury drug clinic – Waterbury Republican American

Legislator urges opposition to proposed Waterbury drug clinic
Waterbury Republican American
New Era Rehabilitation Center has applied for a "certificate of need" from the state Department of Public Health's Office of Health Care Access for a center that would offer methadone and other treatments. Noujaim and other opponents have expressed 

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Methadone Rehabilitation – Google News