Bain Capital Sees Opportunity in Methadone Clinics – Boston Globe

Bain Capital sees opportunity in methadone clinics – Boston Globe

Boston Globe

Bain Capital sees opportunity in methadone clinics
Boston Globe
Drug recovery treatment is responsible for the lion's share of its $ 456 million in annual revenues, including $ 43.4 million from Habit OPCO. Many health care providers involved in substance-abuse treatment believe methadone clinics are an essential option.

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Recovering heroin addict starting over — at age 21 – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Recovering heroin addict starting over — at age 21
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Cody Lewis, 21, a recovering heroin addict, smokes a cigarette before speaking about his life and addiction on Thursday, Feb. 20, at the Good Samaritan Methodist …. Lewis completed rehab and started taking methadone. But after six months, he says, …

Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Kentuckiana faces rising problem of drug abuse and addiction – IU Southeast Horizon

Kentuckiana faces rising problem of drug abuse and addiction
IU Southeast Horizon
But Mullins said that access to medicines like Suboxone, methadone, and naloxone (an opiate antidote) are crucial to recovery. Currently, medicines like naloxone are only covered by Medicaid under very specific criteria, which usually results in

Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Will legalization spark marijuana research? – The Columbian

Will legalization spark marijuana research?
The Columbian
Those drugs include cocaine, methamphetamine, methadone, oxycodone and Ritalin. It took Atkinson's group about two years to get approval for its first marijuana study, which dropped down to about 18 months … Also neurological conditions, seizure

Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

The politics of addiction – Toledo Blade

The politics of addiction
Toledo Blade
Roughly $ 10 million would go to case managers in specialty drug courts and $ 180 million to help pay for 800 units of recovery housing. Such support would greatly improve recovery rates. Medicaid savings would pay for these programs, which are far more …

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News