Oxycodone Cold Turkey Questions?

Question by Kodycat: Oxycodone cold turkey questions?
Hi. I was wondering how long do these symptoms last? And how is the best way to go cold turkey? When will you start to feel better? How bad are the cravings for pills when you are completly off of them? Anybody have any stories about when you did it? Been off of them for 3 days…would tapering down still be a good idea when you had 0 now in 3 days? If so how many could a person have to start out with so that it doesn’t become a problem again? Any advice/help would be appericated. Thanks.
So it is safe to just suffer right? One thing is that if you are really dang sick and you got more pills and tapered off would u still have to go through all this again or would it be milder? I most likey agree since it has been 3 days it is probally better to keep going with the sick right? I think the docs should warn people about these pills b4 they give it to you. Does anybody agree with that too or is it just me?
And btw we went to the doc and they said that they were not going to do anything just gave clozampam drug. I know everybody says just see your reg doc…but he was out and then went to see other doc in office and then said he talked to him and he wasn’t going to do anything either! I just donno it is just causing me alot of stress. btw this is not me that is going through the withdrawls, it is my hubby. He also went to detox place and they told him that they probally wouldn;t give him the subtex because he wasn;t getting sick enough. He went to an assiment and they lied. I just don’t understand all of this. Anybody else gone through anything of the sort like this in thier lives???

Best answer:

Answer by KGcutie
I was addicted to Prescription pain medicine. I went cold turkey. It took me about 5-7 days to be okay then Depression hit. So i Think maybe you should find a mentor, Or a counseler to help you through. It may Be different with you, But you could so it!!!
Good luck
Everything will be okay

Answer by JOHN F
Tapering wouldn’t be a good idea if you’ve been off them for three days already. Probably take a week for you to feel normal again. You’ll want the pills each time life causes stress and it’s something you will have to control the rest of your life.