Can You Take Methadone Only Once a Day for Pain?

Question by lkkindrick3: Can you take Methadone only once a day for pain?
My doctor has put me on this and want me to take it twice a day but I am also take it with alto of other meds and just like to take it just at night because it make me so sick during the day but he insist you must take it 2 times a day for it to work is this true?

Best answer:

Answer by yrjokin
It may work better for someone else and that is why you are given this advice.
What you should ask is why take it at night as that will mean you will be sleeping while it is wearing off.
Try it and see if you must but I advise you take it as requested and it will stop making you sick soon because you will get used to it.
Methadone is more addictive than heroin so I would be asking why he is giving you this and not something else.

Answer by Angel
Change you doctor