Two Drug Busts in Stamford – the Advocate

Two drug busts in Stamford – The Advocate

Two drug busts in Stamford
The Advocate
Police recovered all them and determined that they were Oxycontin pills, which are powerful narcotic painkillers, Conklin said. The man, Christopher Denicola, 28, of 64 Foxwood Road, Rosa was charged with attempted possession of narcotics. On July

Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Cleaner denies killing with murderous intent –

Cleaner denies killing with murderous intent
Both had problems with morphine addiction and had been on the methadone programme. Both suffered from depression and She had recovered some composure when they parted and she walked up the driveway to her house. Lucille told police that she 

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News