‘My Daughter Was Born a Heroin Addict’: Mother Says She Can Never Forgive … – Daily Mail
‘My daughter was born a heroin addict’: Mother says she can never forgive … – Daily Mail
'My daughter was born a heroin addict': Mother says she can never forgive …
Daily Mail The pair are pictured shortly after Georgia's birth when she had to be given methadone to prevent her suffering withdrawal symptoms. Ms Casey stopped taking heroin after Georgia's birth as she was worried her baby would be taken into care. She … |
Mass. Sees Sharp Increase In Babies Born Addicted – WGBH NEWS
Mass. Sees Sharp Increase In Babies Born Addicted
WGBH NEWS At Boston Medical Center, which treated 106 children last year who suffered drug withdrawal, about 85 percent return to their parents, he said. Most of them were exposed in utero to methadone or buprenorphine, drugs commonly prescribed for those in … |
Cases of newborns with addictions soaring – Boston Globe
Boston Globe |
Cases of newborns with addictions soaring
Boston Globe At Boston Medical Center, which treated 106 children last year who suffered drug withdrawal, about 85 percent return to their parents, he said. Most of them were exposed in utero to methadone or buprenorphine, drugs commonly prescribed for those in … |
Drug issue needs honest discussion – Cecil Whig
Drug issue needs honest discussion
Cecil Whig We still do not have a detox facility nearby. Union Hospital does not have a Behavioral and Mental Health Unit. There is a six-week waiting list for mental health counselors. There is a long line at the methadone clinic every day, which is just another … |
Super Mom let life get away – LimaOhio.com
Super Mom let life get away
LimaOhio.com Becky tried to self-detox herself from the medications, but found it made her too sick. … Becky said she promised her family that she'd cut back on her pills, but found it was too difficult since she was “super addicted” to the methadone and Vicodine … |
Methadone Maintenance Treatment – MMT-LIT-OPIOID INTRO and Methadone Intro QandA format-gkw-lss.wmv – MMT LIT means Methadone Maintenance Treatment – Lifestyles, Issues and TIPS. This is our series of broadcast programs, some one minute, others up to twelve m…