Heroin Addiction Is Up, People Are Dying: Why Is a Drug That Could Cure It … – Death and Taxes

Heroin addiction is up, people are dying: Why is a drug that could cure it … – Death and Taxes

Heroin addiction is up, people are dying: Why is a drug that could cure it
Death and Taxes
People stay on methadone for months if not years, and it can cost anywhere between $ 5-400 a week. The other issue is that it's labeled a Schedule I drug and a hallucinogenic, which means the Ibogaine Detox treatment is not approved by the FDA in

Methadone Detox – Google News

Sherry Lynn Wilkins, Woman Who Drove With Man On Car, Guilty Of Murder – Huffington Post

Sherry Lynn Wilkins, Woman Who Drove With Man On Car, Guilty Of Murder
Huffington Post
Wilkins, who acknowledged having served time for residential burglaries over the years, said she kicked the heroin habit with the help of methadone and more recently had been using medical marijuana. She told of obtaining a degree in addiction

Methadone Detox – Google News

Shock Radar – Methadone – the 9th song played by Shock Radar at the Virtualive concert in NYC on 5-10-2007.