Babies Born on Methadone?
Question by Abc: babies born on methadone?
My husbands brother is a drug addict and so his is girlfriend. They have been like this since before ive known my husband so nearly ten years. The girlfriend got pregnant in 05….she said that she was going to be on methadone, to detox herself.. the baby was born on methadone put in nicu for 2 weeks. Hes now 3… and doesn’t talk much, if he does say something he sounds like he has speech problem.. Now the mom got back on drugs after she had a baby..(heroin, crack, you name it) and now shes pregnant again and on “methadone” but what i don’t understand is how do hospital or clinic let this happen.. I thought methadone was to help dextoc yourself and help you not want heroin.. Ive heard through other family members that she still does heroin while on the methadone.. i just don’t get it how can u be on methadone for years and have babies in the NICU then just go back to it after wards..
Best answer:
Answer by Love Bug
Awe, thats sad. Sorry to hear this.
Answer by Emily E
And your nephew lives in a crack house and you have done nothing to call child services and have him removed from the home? Start making phone calls now and everyone else who knows about this situation. Maybe she won’t get to take this baby home from the hospital and the one she does have will be taken away and get the attention he needs. A 3 year old who was born addicted to drugs and still doesn’t talk, should be receiving free early intervention education through the state! Please makes some phone calls to help these children!!
Los Angeles Alcohol Rehab Launches New Program Toward Reduction in …
Take a look at some of the methadone detox centers in your area. You may just be surprised by the support that they can provide to you. There are a number of clinics that can continue to provide you with methadone after you have completed the program.
Read more on PR Web (press release)