At 21, Recovering Heroin Addict Starts Over – Kankakee Daily Journal
At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over – Kankakee Daily Journal
At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
Kankakee Daily Journal Lewis completed rehab and started taking methadone. But after six months, he says, he realized he'd replaced one addiction with another, so he entered a detox program. He has been sober since Oct. 12. He's severed all connections with drug-using … |
The treatment and rehabilitation pillars of the Drugs Strategy – Irish Medical Times
The treatment and rehabilitation pillars of the Drugs Strategy
Irish Medical Times The HSE was responsible for carrying out Action 34 — to expand the availability of, and access to, detox facilities, methadone services, under-18s services, and needle exchange services, where required. However, capacity in the detoxification service … |
‘My daughter was born a heroin addict’: Mother says she can never forgive … – Daily Mail
'My daughter was born a heroin addict': Mother says she can never forgive …
Daily Mail The pair are pictured shortly after Georgia's birth when she had to be given methadone to prevent her suffering withdrawal symptoms. Ms Casey stopped taking heroin after Georgia's birth as she was worried her baby would be taken into care. She … |