Taking Prescribed Xanax and Suboxone?

Question by DANNY DEVAIATO: Taking prescribed xanax and suboxone?
I’m urrently in a methadone treatmeent program, but can’t afford it. Monday I’m going to a suboxone doctor. My methadone clinic knows I’m on xanax, and I don’t abuse it, and seems fine. I’m worried the suboxone doctor won’t take me in because of the xanax I’m prescribed. I’m on 30mg of methadone, down from 60, and not feeling well. 50-60 was a perfect dose for me. 1.) Will the doctor even see me since i’m on xanax, 2.) what do you think he will start me out on. I just started a good new job, and can’t lose it, and don’t wanna be sick. 10 POINTS TO ANYONE THAT CAN HELP ME, PLS. Thank You

Best answer:

Answer by bethrocks
First – congrats on the new job and your desire to keep it!
Second – have you checked in your area for a free methadone clinic? I know in my area, there is a free clinic. Even if you have to travel 30 miles – its good to check.
Third – stand up for what you want from this doctor. Don’t make the mistake of letting him bully you because you think he will only see you as a “junkie.” I believe he will see you if you are on Xanax if it is being properly prescibed by another physican to control panic/social anxiety, etc.

Try not to guess how much Suboxone the doc will give you. Explain carefully what you think you will need to keep functioning and get healthy so you can keep your job. Make the focus how well you have been doing. What he will want to hear is the fact that you are working – he will want to know you are making an effort and will be willing to bend to keep you healthy.

Good Luck & Keep up the good work!!

Answer by SpenS
“Will the doctor even see me since I’m on Xanax?”

Yes. However, if they had any fundamental knowledge about Xanax you can expect them to suggest that you switch that drug to a different medication. Possibly something with less abuse and addiction potential, especially since you aren’t currently abusing it. Its a huge surprise that you are currently on Methadone and Xanax at the same time, given the large potential for dangerous interactions. There are many medications that have the same effects on anxiety, panic, and agitation as Xanax, without the undesirable associated properties.

“What do you think he will start me out on?”

Typically, people start on 12-16 mg per day.
Withdrawal from methadone is possible due to the higher dosing you once had, but your chances of experiencing a withdrawal once you start the suboxone is smaller due to the current decreased amount of 30mg.

Its wonderful that you are doing the best thing for yourself! Best of wishes!

Disclaimer: Advice and opinions given are based on the information provided and must not be used as an official medical recommendation. The limitations of the internet prevent an appropriate evaluation. In the event of an emergency, seek immediate medical attention! Always consult your doctor or a pharmacist if there is concern. BEWARE OF BAD ADVICE!