Archive for the ‘Methadone Withdrawal’ Category

Know Your Enemy

Know Your Enemy
As our elected officials and government agencies worked to crack down on prescription opiate abuse, it appears that the enemy in this war on drugs has changed again. Attorney General Eric Holder recently reported that between 2006 … “The medication …
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Not-So-Quick Fix – LA Magazine

Not-So-Quick Fix – LA Magazine

Not-So-Quick Fix
LA Magazine
That reality has made buprenorphine—an opioid partial agonist that can relieve withdrawal symptoms without producing the same high or dangerous side effects as full opioids—an important weapon in the fight against drug addiction. When combined with

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Fairfax mother of young heroin addict: ‘There were clues. But we had no clue.’ – Washington Post

Fairfax mother of young heroin addict: 'There were clues. But we had no clue.'
Washington Post
Soon, he was hooked, and found himself constantly fighting withdrawal, the dope sickness that drove him to search for more and more heroin. Just after …. Some were riding it out on Suboxone, a drug like methadone that helps recovering addicts. And

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

5 ways to help heroin addicts – Washington Post

Fairfax Mother of Young Heroin Addict: ‘There Were Clues. but We Had No Clue.’ – Washington Post

Fairfax mother of young heroin addict: ‘There were clues. But we had no clue.’ – Washington Post

Fairfax mother of young heroin addict: 'There were clues. But we had no clue.'
Washington Post
Soon, he was hooked, and found himself constantly fighting withdrawal, the dope sickness that drove him to search for more and more heroin. Just after …. Some were riding it out on Suboxone, a drug like methadone that helps recovering addicts. And

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction – Boston Globe

Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction
Boston Globe
Buprenorphine and methadone are opioids that prevent patients from feeling “dope sick” or overrun by withdrawal symptoms like cold sweats, muscle aches, and anxiety that often lead to relapse. Naltrexone is an opioid blocker that prevents the powerful …

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Not-So-Quick Fix – LA Magazine

Medication an Effective Tool in Fighting Addiction – Boston Globe

Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction – Boston Globe

Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction
Boston Globe
Buprenorphine and methadone are opioids that prevent patients from feeling “dope sick” or overrun by withdrawal symptoms like cold sweats, muscle aches, and anxiety that often lead to relapse. Naltrexone is an opioid blocker that prevents the powerful …

and more »

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Fairfax mother of young heroin addict: ‘There were clues. But we had no clue.’ – Washington Post

Fairfax mother of young heroin addict: 'There were clues. But we had no clue.'
Washington Post
Soon, he was hooked, and found himself constantly fighting withdrawal, the dope sickness that drove him to search for more and more heroin. Just after …. Some were riding it out on Suboxone, a drug like methadone that helps recovering addicts. And

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Know Your Enemy – courierjournal

Medication an Effective Tool in Fighting Addiction – Boston Globe

Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction – Boston Globe

Medication an effective tool in fighting addiction
Boston Globe
Buprenorphine and methadone are opioids that prevent patients from feeling “dope sick” or overrun by withdrawal symptoms like cold sweats, muscle aches, and anxiety that often lead to relapse. Naltrexone is an opioid blocker that prevents the powerful …

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Know Your Enemy – courierjournal

Know Your Enemy
“The medication alleviates cravings and withdrawal symptoms, causing no euphoric effects, which allows the chemically dependent person to focus on the mental and psychological aspects of addiction,” Haddock said. Individuals enrolled in methadone

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Not-So-Quick Fix – LA Magazine

Not-So-Quick Fix
LA Magazine
That reality has made buprenorphine—an opioid partial agonist that can relieve withdrawal symptoms without producing the same high or dangerous side effects as full opioids—an important weapon in the fight against drug addiction. When combined with

Overdose Drug Is Approved

Overdose drug is approved
Narcan sends the victim into immediate withdrawal and reverses the effects of the drug by helping the person regain ability to breath. … Narcan is easily administered in a nasal spray to counter overdoses of opiates including heroin, morphine …
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