NM County Settles Jail Death for $500K – CorrectionsOne

NM county settles jail death for 0K – CorrectionsOne

NM county settles jail death for $ 500K
A letter from forensic pathologist Dr. Judy Melinek said that, based on her review of the autopsy report and other documents, Rodriguez's death was due to complications of alcohol and opiate withdrawal “and a direct consequence of lack of appropriate 

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Is the jobs rally for real? – CBS News

Is the jobs rally for real?
CBS News
We don't know how the market, especially Treasury bonds, will react to a removal, albeit slow and cautiously, of that policy opiate. I have a hard time believing the withdrawal will be as benign as the bulls want us all to believe. © 2013 CBS

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News