Combat Vets Battle an Enemy Within: Addiction –

Combat Vets Battle an Enemy Within: Addiction –

Combat Vets Battle an Enemy Within: Addiction
In 12 years after 9/11, prescriptions of four primary opiate painkillers — oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, and methadone — rose 270 percent at VA hospitals, according to internal VA records obtained by the Center for Investigative Reporting. Last

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

HIV/AIDS explodes in Russia as Putin eschews “western” science – AMERICAblog (blog)

HIV/AIDS explodes in Russia as Putin eschews “western” science
AMERICAblog (blog)
… we'll end up stealing again and going to jail.” To avoid withdrawal and a possible relapse, Crimean rehab patients are now left with two options: relocate to mainland Ukraine to continue their methadone therapy or quit cold turkey in a Russia-run

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Specialists Join Call for Veto of Drug Bill – New York Times

Specialists Join Call for Veto of Drug Bill
New York Times
Any risks of narcotics to newborns have been exaggerated, according to medical authorities who say that withdrawal symptoms, if they occur, can be treated with no long-term effects. For years, conflicts have swirled in many states over the legal rights

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Detox Off Methadone Safely Fort Worth – How to Detox Off Methadone Safely in Fort Worth. Detox with dignity at the drug and alcohol detox specialist, specializing in the most advanced Methadone Det…