Methadone Prescription: Getting Safely Through Customs Into Denmark From USA?

Question by Forsetti: Methadone prescription: Getting safely through customs into Denmark from USA?
I may be traveling to Denmark from Florida in July and will need to take my prescription of Methadone tablets with me.
I have been able to find lots of information on the web but none of it is first hand experience.
From what I have read and been told in chat rooms, all I have to do is the following:
Have a letter from my doctor with me stating i am prescribed this and have the pills in the correct prescription bottle upon arrival at the Copenhagen airport, and I will have no problem to enter into Denmark through their customs with my methadone prescription intact.
What do you think? Is this correct in real life? Are they going to take it away from me regardless of a letter and the proper pill bottle?
I got most of my information from;
“International guidelines for national regulations concerning travelers under treatment with internationally controlled drugs”

Best answer:

Answer by Vibeke J
It is correct. Unfortunately it does not mean, that you can go through customs as if you had nothing at all – you will have to approach customs, show them your letter from the Doctor that prescribed the Methadone for you, show them the medicine (bring it in your cabin luggage) and allow them to check your luggage – if you are stopped, without you having approached anyone, it will be a different situation, that could risk taking hours, because you will be checked, and double checked. They will contact your Doctor, and maybe the US police, to see if you have a criminal record.

Talk to your doctor about it, i am certain that he is able to give you the correct guidance.

Answer by Rugratzzzzzzzzzzz
You will need to get a certificate/letter from your doctor, also it would be worth contacting the danish Embassy to see if there is anything else you will need. so that you can smoothly enter the country


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