Methadone a Local Treatment Option for Recovery – Plattsburgh Press Republican

Methadone a local treatment option for recovery – Plattsburgh Press Republican

Methadone a local treatment option for recovery
Plattsburgh Press Republican
PLATTSBURGH — Locals suffering from opiate addiction can now receive methadone treatment in the North Country. In November, Conifer Park's Plattsburgh Outpatient Clinic launched a methadone maintenance program, which, according to Joe 

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Methadone Treatment – Google News

Peekskill thwarted in attempt to block methadone clinic – The Journal News /

Peekskill thwarted in attempt to block methadone clinic
The Journal News /
Lawmakers had sought to vacate a building permit issued in September by a city official to the Renaissance Project — the organization that's renovating the building at 3 Corporate Drive so it can offer opiate treatment and outpatient programs. The

Methadone Treatment – Google News

New methadone treatment worries Vancouver users – Vancouver Courier

Vancouver Courier

New methadone treatment worries Vancouver users
Vancouver Courier
When Laura Shaver goes to her local pharmacy Saturday to get her daily cup of methadone, she'll notice two things: the cup won't be as full and the liquid will be a different colour. That's because a new cherry-flavoured methadone formula called

Methadone Treatment – Google News

Experts worry about effect of dropping hundreds of addicted Mainers from … – Bangor Daily News

Bangor Daily News

Experts worry about effect of dropping hundreds of addicted Mainers from
Bangor Daily News
At the end of 2013, hundreds of recovering drug addicts lost their MaineCare coverage, in many cases limiting or ending their ability to get methadone treatment. From left, Lindey Saunders, 35, of Ellsworth; Brandi Harriman, 28, of Glenburn and Jacob 

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Methadone Treatment – Google News