Methadone Recovery: Is There a Statute of Limitations on Felony Check Fraud,Petty Theft,and Under the Influence I Did Time for All
Question by anndee: is there a statute of limitations on felony check fraud,petty theft,and under the influence I did time for all
In 1993 I was conficted of fraud,felonypetty theft,and being under the influence.I was given a 3 year 8 month joint suspended sentence but because it was the first time I had been in trouble I got to do a year in county jail. I got in a fender bender today and the cop ran my name and told me to get out of the car because I was being arrested for a felony warrant. I tried to tell them that the charges they were claiming were old stuff I had done time on. But ya know how they listen to ya WHEN YOU’RE UNDER ARREST. You are pond scum. Frog shit between their toes. EHH I guess they aren’t all that bad. I have to go to court aug 28.i’m scared to death their gonna put me in jail for something I already did time on . Thanks to all of you that take the time to answer my question. OH ! If I haven’t said it, I am the patient advocate at the Methadone clinic. I was running the “Keys to Recovery” substance abuse group for people that were sentenced to put so many hours in.a big mess.HELP!
Best answer:
Answer by Faye Prudence
If you have completed all your time you should be okay. Could simply be a clerical error. I had a client that spent 2 yrs in a medium security facility due to a clerical error in the prosecutor’s office YUK! Anyway, arm yourself with all your paperwork from your case and call the court where you were adjudicated and your probation/parole officer if you had one. Make sure they have it documented that you have been done with your case and that there were no warrants issued since your case was closed.
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Methadone Recovery: Most overdose deaths in King County don’t involve illegal drugs
While prescription drugs or alcohol have largely eclipsed illegal drugs as the leading cause of overdose deaths in King County, illegal drugs such as cocaine still cause many fatal overdoses, according to a new University of Washington study.
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Methadone Recovery: U.S. high school opens drug clinic
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – An in-school drug and alcohol abuse clinic is opening at a public high school in New York, the first of its kind in the state and possibly in the United States, treatment advocates said.
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