Heroin Overdoses Rare in Lebanon County, Thanks to Methadone Clinic – Lebanon Daily News

Heroin overdoses rare in Lebanon County, thanks to methadone clinic – Lebanon Daily News

Heroin overdoses rare in Lebanon County, thanks to methadone clinic
Lebanon Daily News
"They are less likely to feel the stigma that has gone on in the past." Some of Uhrich's clients visit the methadone clinic and others are prescribed suboxone. Methadone clinic clients are urged to participate in recovery groups, such as Narcotics

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Philip Seymour Hoffman and the truth about curing addiction – The Guardian

The Guardian

Philip Seymour Hoffman and the truth about curing addiction
The Guardian
Data from several countries shows that treatment policies that insist on abstinence lead to a greater number of deaths than those that allow some kind of substitution therapy, with safer opioids such as methadone or buprenorphine (Subutex) for heroin
'Miracle drug' touted in fight against heroin deathsnwitimes.com
'An epidemic of heroin': Hoffman is a new face of growing problemNBCNews.com
Philip Seymour Hoffman Didn't Have to DieTIME (blog)

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Windsor Police arrest thee over the weekend; recover stolen gun – OurWindsor.ca

Windsor Police arrest thee over the weekend; recover stolen gun
Loaded Prohibited Firearm, Contravene Firearms Act – Namely the Transportation of a Prohibited Firearm, Occupy Motor Vehicle With a Firearm, Possess Firearm Obtained by Crime Outside of Canada, Unlawful Possession of Methadone, Breach Probation, 

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Recovering addicts talk heroin addiction – KSFY

Recovering addicts talk heroin addiction
After years of addiction, Julia and Andre are now clean. They go to Sioux Falls Treatment Center for meetings and Methadone doses, which blocks the opiate receptors in their brain from craving heroin. "That was important to me because people didn't

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News