At 21, Recovering Heroin Addict Starts Over – Post-Bulletin

At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over – Post-Bulletin

At 21, recovering heroin addict starts over
20, 2014 photo, Cody Lewis, 21, a recovering heroin addict, smokes a cigarette before speaking about his life and addiction at the Good Samaritan Methodist Church in Addison, Ill. When Lewis walked out of Cook County Jail in May 2013 after being

Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Annexation Bad News For Crimea’s Rehab Patients – RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty


Annexation Bad News For Crimea's Rehab Patients
On March 26, less than a week after formally completing its annexation, Russia announced it was banning the substitution drug in Crimea — a devastating blow to drug users who had pinned their hopes on methadone to break free from addiction. "The vast

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Greenfield Community College sponsors “The Hungry Heart,” a documentary … –

Greenfield Community College sponsors "The Hungry Heart," a documentary
View/Post Comments. GREENFIELD — "The Hungry Heart," a documentary film on prescription drug addiction and recovery in Amercia, will be shown at Greenfield Community College Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. on the Main Campus, One College Drive, according to a

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Methadone+ Recovery – Google News

Mothers of Opioid-Exposed Newborns Find Treatment at Vermont Clinic –

Mothers of Opioid-Exposed Newborns Find Treatment at Vermont Clinic
Kayana Pearson, 29, is a single mother and recovering addict who says she also abused prescription drugs, heroin and other opioids. Pearson takes methadone to stay clean. She gave birth to Ammanuell three months ago. Ammanuell has also been …

Methadone+ Recovery – Google News