Will I Pass My Drug Test?

Question by Sam: Will i pass my drug test?
Alright I used to smoke weed alot last year. But I hadn’t smoke it this year at all. So I was clean . But then on April 20th I smoked some. And then I smoked some again on may 1st . I have a drug test next Tuesday for a job tht I just found out about this week. I really need to pass so I’ve been drinking at least 8 water bottles a day, plus some cranberry juice and vinager . I have also bought a bottle of detox stuff. Do you think ill pass? Im also 16 years old and 110 pounds And please don’t comment “maybe you shouldn’t do drugs” and things like that. I understand and I’m not going to do it again.

Best answer:

Answer by TrustMe
Ok, no lectures. This is pretty bad timing, huh?

I used to give oral drug tests and urine tests at a Methadone clinic. *Nothing* is a guarantee that you will pass the test. Depending on the type of tests used (and the lab, and the requirements of the people doing the testing), you can test positive up to 35+ days after you’ve used.

Based on my experience, I’d say you shouldn’t count on this job. Let’s say that on a scale of 1-10 you score a 5. The employer might have a 2.5 limit. (That’s why people usually don’t get jobs)

Answer by _Shorty
Believe me, keep drinkin lots of water! Youll pass