Ocean County’s First Drug Detox Facility to Open in Toms River – Patch.com

Ocean County’s First Drug Detox Facility to Open in Toms River – Patch.com

Ocean County's First Drug Detox Facility to Open in Toms River
Officials are hoping a new, privately-owned detox center, where patients usually stay for five to seven days before being placed in a long-term rehabilitation facility, will be a key piece of the puzzle to getting help for those who are addicted. "It's

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Methadone Detox – Google News

Philip Seymour Hoffman Didn’t Have to Die – TIME (blog)

Philip Seymour Hoffman Didn't Have to Die
TIME (blog)
Naloxone is nontoxic and cannot be abused— in fact, it causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms so there is little likelihood it would be misused, and even less chance it would encourage more drug use as an overdose “safety net.” MORE: Naloxone could cut

Methadone Detox – Google News