Crimeans Cut Off From Methadone and McDonald's After Annexation
Crimeans Cut Off from Methadone and McDonald's After Annexation
In Sevastopol substitution therapy sites have already been compelled to start decreasing patients' dosage. There is a very strong likelihood that these opioid substitution therapy patients will go into withdrawal and potentially revert to illegal drugs …
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AP News in Brief at 10:58 p.m. EDT
It will be in a race against time to determine what the noises are, because the battery-powered pingers that emit sounds from the black boxes are on the verge of dying out. Meanwhile, the …. WITHDRAWAL: Once in withdrawal, users feel like their bones …
Hong Kong girls using wider variety of drugs than boys as addicts get younger
This is a rehabilitation centre run by the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (Sarda) and the women are celebrating their reintegration into society after managing to stay clean for a year. Lily, a 21-year-old peer … It wasn't …
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