Are You Struggling With a Methadone Addiction
I know for a fact that is speaking from my experience about methadone addiction that a lot of people start using it to get off of heroin. When I first started using methadone I was using it for the buzz because it was legal and I did not have to chase it the way I did heroin. At this point I was not hooked yet this did not happen until many years later.
Methadone is nothing to toy around with; for instance, I have seen you people at the methadone clinic coming in to get off of vicodin. In my opinion unless this is done properly they will end up with a methadone addiction which will in the end be even harder to stop than the vicodin.
If you can stop using what ever drug you can without getting on methadone I suggest that you do so. I have nothing against methadone per say but like I said a lot of people are unaware how treacherous it can be. They start out innocent enough but in the end they are looking for a place to do a methadone detox.
I you think that you may have a problem with this drug or any other drug for that matter you can get clean and beat methadone addiction but you will have to take action. One thing you can do that is if you are sure that you have had enough beat downs and are sick and tired of being sick and tired is look into going to methadone detox.
In this type of treatment you will be medically detoxed. This will be done by a staff of people who have trained for this. They will administer medications to help you be more comfortable during methadone withdrawal. This usually takes no more than 5 days.
Ok now when you are finished with your detox I strongly recommend that you continue on with residential treatment. There you will be exposed to other addicts just like your self who are trying to stop using and find a new way to live. Once things start you will be attending 12 step meetings, group, lectures, and more than likely individual consuling. This is all to prepare you for when you leave rehab to remain clean so you do not have to go through it again. Once is enough for anyone although I did go through it several times.
Good luck
I am in recovery myself and I like to write addiction. It is my goal to give others information on how they can stop using, overcome drug addiction and find a new way to live without drugs.
Methadone Detox: Methadone Detox
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