What’s Best for Babies Born to Drug-Addicted Mothers? – the Tennessean

What’s best for babies born to drug-addicted mothers? – The Tennessean

What's best for babies born to drug-addicted mothers?
The Tennessean
Doctors agree the "gold standard" for treating opioid addiction is through careful administration of addiction therapy drugs — either methadone or buprenorphine. Abrupt detoxification is actually dangerous to a pregnancy and can cause miscarriage or

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment – Daily Union

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment
Daily Union
The doctors shook their heads: Heroin withdrawal is not life-threatening, they said, and we can't admit you. Doctors … Of those, about 10 percent are residential facilities, about 80 percent are outpatient programs and about 10 percent are methadone

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Suboxone: A Double-Edged Sword – The Epoch Times

Suboxone: A Double-Edged Sword
The Epoch Times
Unlike methadone, another prescription opioid used to treat narcotic drug addiction, which requires daily visits to a public clinic, Suboxone can be prescribed in weekly doses, making it far more convenient for patients. In addition, methadone produces

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Soft Launch Of Withdrawal Management Services Underway – BlackburnNews.com


Soft Launch Of Withdrawal Management Services Underway
Beginning in May, day and community walk-in services will be regularly scheduled at locations including the Inn of the Good Shepherd, Bluewater Methadone Clinic, and Lambton Public Health. A phone line has now been designated for the withdrawal …

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News