Crimeans Lose Their Access to Methadone and McDonald’s – Quartz

Crimeans lose their access to methadone and McDonald’s – Quartz

Yahoo!7 News

Crimeans lose their access to methadone and McDonald's
There is a very strong likelihood that these opioid substitution therapy patients will go into withdrawal and potentially revert to illegal drugs, which in turn puts them at much greater risk of contracting HIV through dirty needle Ukrainian officials
Crimea side-effect: Addicts deprived of methadoneYahoo!7 News
Crimeans Cut Off from Methadone and McDonald's After AnnexationThe Wire

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin task force focuses on treatment options, availability in Madison County – Insurance News Net (press release)

Heroin task force focuses on treatment options, availability in Madison County
Insurance News Net (press release)
Methadone itself is a long-acting, synthetic narcotic, but works differently on the brain. Instead of filling those opiate receptors, Park said, it covers up the receptors. It does not get the patient high and does not increase tolerance, but it

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

‘Drug addicts’ behind brutal home raid on rugby star’s dad – Irish Independent

'Drug addicts' behind brutal home raid on rugby star's dad
Irish Independent
Gardai say rural addicts have little access to methadone and other treatments which can help them in withdrawal stages when they tend to be the most desperate and dangerous. Unlike the situation in Dublin, where addicts are well catered for with …

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment – Tallmadge Express

Tallmadge Express

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment
Tallmadge Express
Because withdrawal is not directly deadly, most insurance companies won't pay for inpatient heroin detoxification or rehab, said Anthony Rizzuto, a provider relations representative at Seafield Center, a rehabilitation clinic on Long Island. They

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News