Vicodin Addiction, Help Please! :(?
Question by BlueDream24: Vicodin Addiction, Help Please! :(?
Okay a little background on myself. I recently was prescribed Vicodin for an ingrown toe-nail removal. I know it seems trivial, but it’s REALLY dealing with the pain. My toenail had went into my toe, and came out the other side. The pain was similar to when I got my wisdom teeth removed.
Anyways, after running out of Vicodin, I realized I CRAVED Vicodin, and there was no way I could get it. I don’t WANT to do more Vicodin, but I seem to NEED VIcodin to function nowadays. If anyone has ideas on how to get the Vicodin craving out of my life, please help! I have 7 pills left, but my strategy so far has been to have the pills, but excercise my willpower in not taking them anymore even though they’re available. Please can someone help me get rid of these cravings!?! I would REALLY appreciate it!
Best answer:
Answer by scape.squad.story
hey youre kinda like Dr. House!!!
but i can help you; go see a doctor…..
Answer by Samm
Cut them in halves (6 days of half a day)and then quarters (till they are gone) to wean yourself off. I cannot believe how anyone gets addicted to Vicodin. It is no more powerful than two Excedrin. I have had open prescriptions for my RA for two years and barely take it . I actually gives me a headache.
Plus learn to trim your toenails, so you do not run into this problem in the future.