Leaked Review Blows Whistle – Manawatu Standard

Leaked review blows whistle – Manawatu Standard

Manawatu Standard

Leaked review blows whistle
Manawatu Standard
He had grown dependent on methadone after swallowing it daily for more than 20 years and in the last few weeks of his life, as his health failed and he suffered nightmarish withdrawal symptoms, Dave became "a dead man walking", his daughter told The …

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

As pills killed kids, Florida shrugged – Bradenton Herald

As pills killed kids, Florida shrugged
Bradenton Herald
Oxycodone, Xanax, methadone and other prescription meds were found in the stomachs of deceased infants and toddlers or in the urine of their parents. Parents accidentally smothered their babies in bed while under the influence. They left pills where

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Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Damaging a car park barrier and stealing from Primark among cases heard by … – Coventry Telegraph

Coventry Telegraph

Damaging a car park barrier and stealing from Primark among cases heard by
Coventry Telegraph
Donna Smith, 30, of Queen Margaret's Road, Canley, admitted stealing a purse, and fraud by using a stolen bank card to withdraw cash. She was given a 12-month community order with activity and supervision requirements, and told to pay £200 compensation

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

FDA, States Mount War on Kratom – Natural Products INSIDER

FDA, States Mount War on Kratom
Natural Products INSIDER
Christopher McCurdy, a School of Pharmacy faculty member at the University of Mississippi, and his colleagues performed research that indicated kratom may provide an alternative to methadone in treating addictions to opiates, according to a Jan. 25

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News