The Dilemma of Prescription Opioids: Shifting Attitudes Towards the Pain Patient – (Blog)

The dilemma of prescription opioids: Shifting attitudes towards the pain patient – (blog) (blog)

The dilemma of prescription opioids: Shifting attitudes towards the pain patient (blog)
Reminiscent of the “crack baby” and “ice baby” narratives of the 1980s and 1990s, tales of abuse included heart-wrenching stories of infant withdrawal from opioids. In the rush to solve the apparent crisis, however, many questions about the

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Prescription drugs almost destroyed me – Eastfieldnews

Prescription drugs almost destroyed me
I was taking more than 100mg of methadone and oxycodone and more than 300mg of hydrocodone daily. Ironically, the I'm happy to say I achieved this on my own without doctors and without going through the painful withdrawals they said I would. The

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News