For Maine Babies Exposed to Drugs, Disadvantages Mount After Leaving the … – Bangor Daily News

For Maine babies exposed to drugs, disadvantages mount after leaving the … – Bangor Daily News

Bangor Daily News

For Maine babies exposed to drugs, disadvantages mount after leaving the
Bangor Daily News
While newborns can experience withdrawal when their mothers take methadone or other replacement drugs such as buprenorphine, the symptoms typically are milder than with street drugs or prescription painkillers. Babies exposed to drugs in the womb 

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News

Modern Policing vs. The IACP – Huffington Post

Modern Policing vs. The IACP
Huffington Post
Seattle is joined by police departments such as that of Quincy, Massachusetts, which has saved hundreds of lives by stocking Naloxone, a cheap and effective drug that can reverse opiate overdoses. It's departments like these that will help

Methadone+ Withdrawal – Google News