Tips to Making Methadone/morphine Withdrawals More Enjoyable?

Question by EpicFail: tips to making methadone/morphine withdrawals more enjoyable?
the past three days have been hell. no work. haven’t left the house. any ideas how to make the aching, sweating, shaking, and miserable pain to lessen a little??

besides going to the doctor. he would just give me more. and no 911 obviously
can’t sleep one bit either. cant get comfortable. just shaking. all night. and terrible night sweats.

Best answer:

Answer by Happy As A Clam
Honestly, I think you just have to wait it out. Sorry.

Answer by tlm
I had a month on morphine drip and when I got home the doc said try benadryl to sleep I am not a professional that worked for me I only took it for like 2 nights to sleep.