How Dangerous Is It to Quit Mehtadone :”cold Turkey” ?
Question by angel_babygirl_1984: How dangerous is it to quit mehtadone :”cold turkey” ?
with my experience of methadone withdrawl, i had 2 seizures, and would like to know how dangerous is this. Can it be fatal, can it cause other health problems, and should I be concerned and try to go to a Methadone clinic for help instead of just quitting the medicind cold turkey?
Best answer:
Answer by ozgurl6827
There are reported cases of people’s organs going into failure after going cold turkey after methodone. the VERY best thing you can do is to book into a Meth clinic. These people will put you on a structured system of withdrawal and can also treat most withdrawal symptoms. they can also give you the emotional support you need…
if you can’t afford one or dont want people knowing about your addiction, there are free clinics adn your family will probably support you if they know you are trying to quit.
Answer by Mickie
Yes, absolutely it can be dangerous. You really need to see a doctor and be weaned off of it rather than quitting cold turkey especially if you’ve been using long-term and using in high doses. It’s not beneath you to need help and to go out and seek it. Don’t try it on your own.