How to Ease “Withdrawal Symptoms” From Methadone?
Question by : How to ease “withdrawal symptoms” from methadone?
I have been taking methadone now for 6 months, and I want to get off of it. I’ve heard of suboxone, but I wanted to know if there are any other ways/methods of withdrawing from it. I’ve gone up to three days off it, and was so sick. I get major anxiety which I take Klonopin for and it doesn’t help at all! I get chills/sweats, head is dizzy and confused, tired, achy all over like I have cancer of something, can’t sleep, irritable, diahrrea, no appetite. Please help!!!
Best answer:
Answer by motel
The best way to quit methadone is to lower your dose by 10% every two weeks until your off (10mg if over 50mg, 5mg if under), not by skipping days. When you do finally stop, keep benadril and Imodium handy. Withdrawls come and go, day 10 and the third week are the worst. They should be all gone within 3 months or so. You shouldn’t mix methadone and benzo (klonopin, xanax, valium), it’s deadly (I’ve seen it many times). Suboxine is very expensive and generally doesn’t work.