Pharmacist Help! Need to Know if Sister Is on Too Much Meds…?

Question by GOINGCRAZY: pharmacist help! Need to know if sister is on too much meds…?
her doctor has her on Methadone for pain because other things werent working anymore…supposely. She is on 100mg Serequel, ambian cr, diet pills(phentremine),ativan and some kind of liquid pain killer i think codeine/codone. I feel like it is too much. My family and i are wanting to get help for her, i think she on way too much. She lives in a different state than us and has 2 young kids and we are worrying. Is this too much medication?

Best answer:

Answer by Josie826
It sure sounds like it to me. I thought the only reason a person was put on Methadone was for Heroin addiction. If she is a long term drug user, then she probably has to use a lot of drugs to thwart whatever pain she is in. I would suggest that you do get help for her, her childrens safety is at stake. The Serequel is for some sore of mental disorder, probably bi-polar, the Ambien is for problems with sleeping, the Ativan is for anxiey and I assume she is taking the codeine for some sort of pain she must be experiencing.

Answer by bmac
WAY too much. 2 narcotics? Diet pills (are completely unnecessary) and she doesn’t need Ambien CR and the Ativan.
So she should only be on 1 narcotic, the Seroquel and EITHER the Ativan or Ambien CR (Ativan is MUCH more addictive, though).